Apache Airflow using docker along with the authentication

Anup Kumar
3 min readAug 9, 2019


Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.

DAG View

To get started with Airflow LocalExecutor, let’s install docker, docker-compose. And this docker boilerplate is based on Python (3.6-slim) official Image python:3.6-slim and uses the official Postgres as backend.

Clone this boilerplate repository,

git clone https://github.com/saianupkumarp/airflow-docker.git

Upon cloning, change the directory to the cloned folder and let’s build the airflow,

docker build --rm -t airflow-image .

Optionally install Extra Airflow Packages and/or python dependencies before build time by adding the following line in the Dockerfile above line 62:

&& pip install -r requirements.txt \

Optionally install Extra Airflow Packages and/or python dependencies at build time by the following command :

docker build --rm --build-arg AIRFLOW_DEPS="datadog,dask" -t airflow-image .docker build --rm --build-arg PYTHON_DEPS="flask_oauthlib>=0.9" -t airflow-image .

or combined

docker build --rm --build-arg AIRFLOW_DEPS="datadog,dask" --build-arg PYTHON_DEPS="flask_oauthlib>=0.9" -t airflow-image .

By default, docker-airflow runs Airflow with SequentialExecutor :

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 airflow-image webserver

If you want to run another executor, use the other docker-compose.yml files provided in this repository.

For LocalExecutor :

docker-compose -f docker-compose-LocalExecutor.yml up -d

NB : If you want to have DAGs example loaded (default=False), you’ve to set the following environment variable :


docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e LOAD_EX=y airflow-image

If you want to use Ad hoc query, make sure you’ve configured connections: Go to Admin -> Connections and Edit “airflow_db” set this values (equivalent to values in airflow.cfg/docker-compose*.yml) :

  • Host : postgres
  • Schema : airflow
  • Login : airflow
  • Password : airflow

For encrypted connection passwords (in Local or Celery Executor), you must have the same fernet_key. By default docker-airflow generates the fernet_key at startup which is already in the docker-compose-LocalExecutor.ym, you have to set an environment variable in the docker-compose (ie: docker-compose-LocalExecutor.yml) file to set the same key across containers. To generate a fernet_key :

docker run airflow-image python -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; FERNET_KEY = Fernet.generate_key().decode(); print(FERNET_KEY)"


By default, the config file which is under config/airflow.cfg is enabled with web authentication, to disable it, change the boolean value from "True" to "False"

Below is the configuration to enable,

# Set to true to turn on authentication:
# https://airflow.apache.org/security.html#web-authentication
authenticate = True
auth_backend = airflow.contrib.auth.backends.password_auth

Follow the below steps to create the users,

Get the container id,

docker container ls

Jump onto the container bash by its id,

# With root user
docker exec -it -u root <container id> bash

Execute the following script under the airflow folder within the python console

import airflow
from airflow import models, settings
from airflow.contrib.auth.backends.password_auth import PasswordUser
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
user = PasswordUser(models.User())
user.username = ''
user.email = ''
user.password = ''
# Make the value true if you want the user to be a administrator
user.superuser = False
engine = create_engine("postgresql://airflow:airflow@postgres:5432/airflow")
session = settings.Session(bind=engine)

Enter exit and hit enter to come out of the container bash



Anup Kumar
Anup Kumar

Written by Anup Kumar

CTO @Urbanetic | Founder @oclavi | Former Architect @KAPSARC — Data Science, AI & ML enthusiast

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